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Australian Champion Takimbre Noble Warrior 'Brock'


Brocky has excelled in the All Breeds and holds his own in the specialist ring winning:


* 14 Baby in Groups * 3 Baby Puppy in Show

* 5 Minor in Groups *1 Minor in Show

*6 Puppy In Groups *1 Puppy In Show

*1 Runner Up Best In Group whilst in the Puppy Class

* 5 Junior In Groups *2 Junior in Shows

* Runner Up Best In Group whilst in the Junior Class

* 3 Intermediate in Group *1 BEST IN GROUP 

*2 Runner Up Best In Group whilst in Intermediate.


He did us all proud being called in 5th at the 40th National and holding that position. This was made even more special by the fact that this was only his second Specialist show and he was handled by his breeders Grandson Joel.


He is also doing herding and is proof that German Shepherds can compete at all levels when given the chance.



Brocky is one of the sweetes,t most gorgeous GSD's I have ever owned. He is amazingly smart and a quick learner. Fantastic with kids and other dogs, he is regularly booked for the under 10s junior handlers classes. Brocky has done extremely well under both specialist and all breeds judges. Brocky came to Victoria and has made a name for himself becoming a regular in class in show lineups and always gives his all, especially when you give him his favorite cheesels


I’m looking forward to the rest of Brocky's show career. Thank you so much Col and Shirley Ford for sending me such a great example of a German Shepherd.


We sadly lost Brock to a snake bite in 2013.  

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to contact us:                             â€‹Telephone : 613 5998 5285  or mobile 0407 546 184                          Email :

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